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Gettin’ Higher Choir

in Victoria, BC, * Online
directed by Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson CCLT 2016 and 2017 | 250-857-9984 and 250-220-6117

The Gettin’ Higher Choir sings out the simple philosophy that singing is our birthright, an essential activity for personal and community health and vitality. We are not associated with any religion or spiritual path, but seek to embrace and celebrate humanity’s highest aspirations through music, welcoming people of all ages and cultures. There is no audition, and no singing experience is required, just a desire to sing in harmony with others.

Tuesdays 7–9pm Pacific: Norway House (1110 Hillside Ave.) and on Zoom
Thursdays 7–8:45pm Pacific: on Zoom only

More info is here!

Hark! Community Choir

in Asheville and Jupiter, North Carolina, USA
directed by Yuri Woodstock CCLT 2017 |

Monday nights 7-9 @ Homewood Castle, Montford, Asheville, NC
Tuesday Afternoons, 4-6 @ Echoview Fiber Mill, Jupiter, NC

Hark! is a non-auditioned, all-voices-welcome choir.  Learn harmonies, rounds, and four-part songs in a welcoming and accessible environment.

Yuri Woodstock is a vivacious community songleader born and raised in the Blue Ridge.  He carries a rich tapestry of song from around the world, and loves to weave voices into rich harmonies with grace and ease.  The body is an instrument he reminds us, and that singing is our birthright! Yuri leads two nights of community singing in and around Asheville every week.  His workshops are always “all voices welcome” and encourage us to connect with our full, true voice, and all that comes with it. 

High Spirit Harmonies

in Denver, Colorado, USA
directed by Jennifer Miller CCLT 2012 | 323-401-4032

Welcome to High Spirit Harmonies!

We gather once a week to share the joy of singing in harmony. We are an all voices welcome, non-auditioned, community choir. We sing rounds and songs from all over the world. All songs are taught in the oral tradition, and our only requirement is a desire to sing (well, and to have fun!).

If this sounds good to you, we want YOU to join us. The more voices the merrier!

Hummingbirds Girls Choir

in Eugene, Oregon, USA
directed by Karly Loveling CCLT 2016 | 214-906-5747

We believe that singing is essential to the human experience. We sing simple, life affirming songs, rounds, and layered songs. All 8-12 year old girls are welcome to come explore using their voices in a safe environment where harmonies come naturally and each child is cherished for the unique gifts she brings.

We hold this choir to support girls in being connected to themselves and each other in meaningful ways.

Island Village SongCircle

in Bowen Island, BC, Canada
directed by Shasta Martinuk and Brian Hoover CCLT 2011 | 604-947-2283

Bringing people together to sing, singing to bring people together. The Island Village SongCircle is a weekly gathering with the with the goal being simply to join in harmony with friends, family and neighbours, and make a joyful noise! We like Pete Seeger’s definition of harmony: “Any note you’re singing that your neighbour isn’t”. There is no scheduled concert, instead we gather with our friends and family at the end of each session for a potluck supper and sing-along. Ages 8 to 108 are welcome. No musical experience is required — new and/or nervous singers are especially warmly invited. We sing songs from all over the world in a wide variety of styles, including folk, gospel, rounds, devotional chants, songs of celebration and lullabyes. Most songs are taught in the “call & response” oral tradition, so you don’t need to read music. Cost is based on a sliding scale and people are welcome to join any time during the session. The fee will be pro-rated for late registrants.

The Gift of Song Is In All Of Us
Music That Makes A Difference

Isle Sing

in Cortes Island, BC, Canada
directed by Dayna Davis | 250-935-8507

I’m singing, oh I’m singing in my soul, when troubles roll, I sing from morn’till night, it makes my burdens light…”
— Sister Rosetta Tharpe Godmother of Rock and Roll.

Isle Sing is community choir for all voices. We meet weekly to raise our voices in sweet song. Singing as our birthright and a path to joy! Our songs are from a variety of traditions and are chosen for their uplifting melodies, harmonies and messages. We sing folk songs from Russia, chants from India, spirituals, gospel, lullabies, sea shanties, Brazilian samba, African freedom songs and so much more!

This is a perfect group singing experience to boost confidence and build vocal skills if you are a reluctant singer. New singers move into song with the support of the group energy and in a relaxed, playful atmosphere. You do not have to read music. Our focus is on building a vocal community, not on performance.

All songs taught by ear and heart. The only requirement is a desire to sing.

Joyful Noise

in Mount Desert Island, Maine, USA
directed by Rob Benson CCLT 2012 | 207-244-0446

Joyful Noise: Community Singing on Mount Desert Island is singing in harmony for experienced and novice singers alike. You don’t have to read music, either. We’ll explore music from a wide variety of cultural traditions, and songs will be taught in the oral tradition.

For everyone who loves to sing — and can’t keep it to themselves.

Les Chorales Allez Chante!

in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
directed by Evemarie Brunelle CCLT 2008-09 | 514-903-1517

Above all, Allez Chante! Choirs are a source of enrichment. Improved focusing, breathing and group singing. No audition required — everyone welcome. Because singing makes you feel great!

Stretching, breathing and vocal warm-ups. Rhythm exploration and repertoire discovery.

Songs from all over the world in unison, rounds and multiple voice singing.

Teachings are done in French.

Les chorales Allez Chante! sont avant tout un lieu de resourcement. On vient s’y centrer, respirer et chanter ensemble. Pour tous ceux et celles qui aiment ou désirent chanter, et qui veulent explorer leur voix. On y entre sans audition, tous sont bienvenus. Parce que chanter, ça fait du bien!

On s’étire, on respire, on réchauffe notre voix. On explore des rythmes et on apprend des pièces. Des chants de partout dans le monde, des pièces variées, à l’unisson, en canon et à plusieurs voix.

Letz Sing

in Comox, Courtenay and Black Creek, BC, Canada
directed by Tina Filippino CCLT 2004–05 | 250-337-8328

The Letz Sing Choir, which meets in three locations in the Comox Valley, is committed to gathering weekly to share the experience of singing in harmony. The only prerequisite to joining this choir is a desire to sing with others. Whether you are a seasoned singer looking for a place to raise your voice, or you have never sung in a group before and had always wanted to, your voice is welcome in this choir.

At the Letz Sing weekly singing sessions you will acquire a repertoire of songs from a diversity of origins and inspiration. Words, melodies and harmonies are learned methodically in a step by step fashion in the oral tradition of call and response. Each session will include warm-ups for the voice and the body, the introduction of new material, as well as time to sing favorites from a growing repertoire of familiar songs.

There is no commitment to perform with this choir, rather every term there is a “Big Sing”, a casual but exciting Sunday afternoon where choir members from all choir locations gather. On this day the energy of the complete Letz Sing Choir Community raises the rafters with the melodies and harmonies they had been learning in their separate locations throughout the term.

Those interested in coming together to experience the joy of voices joined in harmony are encouraged to come try it out! All voices are welcome in this choir! Late starts prorated, sliding scale available.

Read their Ubuntu story about musical instruments for Mozambique’s AIDS orphans. (go to the stories tab at the top of this page).

Lila Community Choir

in Duncan, BC, Canada
directed by Cari Burdett CCLT 2006–07 | 250-701-0978