Local Vocals
in Kamloops, BC, Canada
directed by Anna Baignoche CCLT 2005–06
annabmusic@gmail.com |
Let Local Vocals be your global song machine! From Brazilian samba to Irish ballads, Portuguese fado to Canadian classics, West African highlife to American bluegrass, Indian kirtan to Cuban salsa to Japanese folk songs. Anyone can sing, everyone welcome, no auditions!
Thursday nights. Please e-mail or call for information regarding this season’s schedule.
New Westminster Community Choir
in New Westminster, BC, Canada
directed by Patti Powell CCLT 2006-07
newwestcommunitychoir@pattipowellchoirs.com |
Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30 at St. Barnabas’ Anglican Church, 1010 5th Ave., New Westminster
This is a No Barrier Community Choir, including financial barriers. Pay-what-you-can, and sign up for a session with us. Anyone and everyone welcome.
More at www.pattipowellchoirs.com
Oh Sing!
in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
directed by Louise Olivia Jarvis CCLT 2010
lojarvis@gmail.com |
Oh Sing!, previously OSSIA the Owen Sound Singers in Accord includes men and women of all ages and skills in a relaxed, playful atmosphere. Some have been singing all their life, and others are coming to singing for the first time.
What’s the format? We start with warm-ups and tips on how to get the most out of a choral experience, how to listen… Yes, we sing with our ears! There are some simple rounds or layered songs from different parts of the world learned by ear, something more challenging in SATB (four part harmony) with written music, and we always end with something gentle and meditative. Most songs address our love for the planet, our need to belong, and our desire for heightened awareness… And some just make us laugh.
Not everyone chooses to sing in the concerts, but those who do say they enjoy watching the faces of the audience when they’re invited to sing along. We are pleased to donate the proceeds to worthy causes.
Oh Sing! is a community choir that builds community through laughter and song.
One World Community Choir
in Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA
directed by Betsy Sansby and Al Dworsky CCLT 2007–08
betsy@betsysansby.com |
Imagine a no-audition choir in your own community where all voices are welcome. One World Community Choir is for people who love to sing but have either been too shy or too busy to do it. In this low-pressure, high-pleasure choir, you’ll learn beautiful songs from all over the world, including hypnotic chants from the rainforests of central Africa, traditional ballads from Scotland, uplifting kirtans from India, and traditional folksongs from our own land. In addition to their rich harmonies, many of these songs have irresistible rhythms that will get your body moving, and inspiring lyrics that will brighten your spirits. Betsy and Al bring the same level of playfulness and imperfection to the choir as they do to their marriage.
Unlike choirs whose primary focus is on performance, our focus is on the experience of singing together for our own enjoyment. And don’t worry if you can’t read music. You’ll be learning most of the songs by ear, just as they’re learned in the cultures they come from, and Betsy posts all the parts to all the songs online, so you can practice anytime between sessions. On-going choir, but new members are welcome to join anytime. Monday nights, 7–8:30 PM, from April through November and are off December through March. Call Betsy for more information.
Open Circle Singers
in Langley, Whidbey Island, Washington, USA
directed by Peggy Taylor and Bill Humphreys CCLT 2004-05
peggy@whidbey.com |
Open Circle is a non-audition community choir that meets Mondays 7:00–9:00pm at South Whidbey High School.
We sing an eclectic mix of songs from around the world — ballads, folk, spiritual, peace, and freedom songs, with an occasional 60’s pop tune thrown in for good measure.
The choir season starts in early October and culminates in late May with a community concert.
50 members.
All voices are welcome, no auditions.
Outside Voices
in Victoria, BC, Canada
directed by Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson CCLT 2016 and 2017
info@gettinhigherchoir.ca |
250 857 9984 and 250 220 6117
Join Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson of the Gettin’ Higher Choir for a scenic oceanside walk with “Outside Voices” outdoor drop-in singing. Typically, we meet somewhere near the shore in Esquimalt around noon, and we alternate singing and walking the shoreline, wrapping up after about 90 minutes.
We plan to be out every week, rain or shine, but please subscribe to get notices each Thursday by 10:00am, confirming the details of exactly where and when we will meet that day! The songs and the walking path we take are very accessible!
All are welcome to join in — donations to keep us going are welcome. We look forward to singing with you!
PT Songlines
in Port Townsend, Washington, USA
directed by Laurence Cole and Gretchen Sleicher CCLT 2006 & 2010
gsleicher@igc.org |
Laurence 360-385-5870, Gretchen 360-643-1595
Our intention is to create a safe place for all voices to discover the joy of singing harmoniously and passionately together. We sing songs from all over, mostly love songs to the earth, each other, all living things, and to the forces of spirit that support and sustain all things. We believe that making beauty in song together is one of the ways we can pay our spiritual ‘rent’ of giving back for the privilege of living on this exquisite planet. We share our music when asked to at various local events, and give fund raising concerts for local and international programs that support social and environmental concerns.
Rhythm & Song
in Almonte, Mississippi Mills, Ontario, Canada
directed by Jennifer Noxon CCLT 2015
randsalmonte@gmail.com |
Rhythm & Song is an a cappella community choir in the town of Almonte, Mississippi Mills, Ontario. Maybe you love to sing, maybe you think you can’t sing, or maybe you used to sing but haven’t used your musical voice in years. Rhythm & Song offers a relaxed, supportive, and playful atmosphere for those who want to develop their singing voice, sense of rhythm, listening and harmony singing skills. Singers of all abilities are welcome, regardless of musical background or confidence level. There are no auditions or pressures to perform and the ability to read music is not required.
We will sing a variety of material – uplifting chants, rounds, and songs from the folk, world music, and pop traditions. Songs are taught orally though, on occasion, written lyrics or simple sheet music will be provided. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you find yourself singing in harmony with others.
Sing for Joy
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
directed by Mila Redwood CCLT 2014
mila@singforjoy.ca |
Sing for Joy is an all-inclusive community choir in the City of Toronto, that gathers each week for the pure joy of singing together. We welcome all voices, and require no singing experience — just a heartfelt desire to sing with others in harmony. Our songs are learned in the oral tradition of call-and-response, drawing from many cultures and backgrounds. They reflect a diversity of roots, origins, and inspirations, bringing us home to our most original ways of being together in community. We choose songs that you can weave into the rhythm of your daily life, and take home to share with your loved ones. Join us, and sing your heart out!
We have two locations to choose from, in the east and west parts of Toronto.
$100 for 10-week session. Discounts for students, seniors, and families of 2 or more.
Sing for Pure Joy!
in Campbell River, Ladysmith and Quadra Island, BC, Canada
directed by Mary Dennison CCLT 2008
singforpurejoy@gmail.com |
There is a proverb from Zimbabwe that states “If you can walk, you can dance… If your can talk, you can sing.”
Raise your voice in glorious song with heart-felt melodies, soulful gospel songs and rousing spirituals, meditative chants, luscious layered songs and robust rounds. Songs from the sublime to the ridiculous!
These are non-auditioned choirs for those who love to sing and those who don’t think they can. This is a safe, non-judgemental circle where ALL voices are welcome. There is no need to read music. All songs are taught in the traditional method of call and response.
If you desire an added boost of endorphins coursing through your body… SING FOR PURE JOY! and claim the birthright of a singing species.
For more information email me about times, locations etc.