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Sing Portland!

in Portland, Oregon, USA
directed by Marion Van Namen CCLT 2012 | 503-956-4046

We are a joyful non-audition adult singing collective for everyone.

Join us and sing your heart out!

Singing Heart Choir

in Eugene, Oregon, USA
directed by Karly Loveling CCLT 2016 | 214-906-5747

We sing for joy! We sing for life!

We sing to build community and to bring more harmony into our hearts and the world.

All voices are welcome. We sing life-affirming songs from various traditions and cultures that are taught through call and response. Earthy heart-songs, rhythmic rounds, silly, simple, and sometimes gently complex songs grace our gatherings for full bodied sound and heart opening harmony.

Song Circle – A community choir for all ages

in Victoria, BC, Canada
directed by Mary-Wynne Ashford and Nancy Dobbs CCLT 2012-13 | 250-479-9189 and 250-652-5438

Our Vision… an intergenerational community choir that brings together people of all ages, and all singing abilities, in the joy of music. Come join us with your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends for songs from around the world, fun and laughter.

Song Kitchen Choir

in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
directed by Chris MacLean CCLT 2015 | 613-316-1396

The Song Kitchen Choir is a non-auditioned, acapella community choir open to singers of ALL ABILITIES. The songs are taught in the oral tradition and the ability to read sheet music is not required. Our repertoire includes Folk, Pop, Gospel, and World music songs from many cultural and spiritual secular traditions. We sing in round, in unison, and in shimmering harmony. The main agenda is to connect with others, build confidence in our voices, and to have FUN! The benefits of group singing include increased energy and alertness; and reduced stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, we are creating harmony that ripples out into the world!

Soul Song Circle Singers

in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
directed by Karen Porkka CCLT 2016 | 780-481-9015

The Soul Song Circle Singers invites All Voices to gather together connecting Voices and hearts with the glorious sounds of singing. This non-auditioned choir based in Edmonton, Alberta brings to life songs from around the world and all traditions with a focus on world music, gospel and spontaneous sonic devotions. We sing music that soothes uplifts and transforms our souls while honouring the circle that connects all life.

Songs are taught and sung that day, by ear, no need to read music. Just show up, share your voice and shine in the losve that is singing!

Soul Song investment or F.E.E> (Financial Energy exchange) is based on a sliding scale and no one will be turned away due to a lack of funds.

Days, times and places vary so please visit Karen’s website for current information or contact Karen by phone to answer any questions you may have.

Sound Connection Community Choir

in Errington, BC, Canada
directed by Megan Keene and Sharon Tomczyk CCLT 2015 (Megan) | 250-228-2467

The Sound Connection choir is an all-inclusive, non-auditioned choir for women and men (18 years and over) who love singing. The Sound Connection is a friendly and encouraging group where we sing contemporary and world music.

We love to make connections and build community through the power of song.

Sound Connection choir uses the age-old tradition of oral teaching, that is teaching by ear, using lyrics, call and response, and recordings online.

Vocalists will receive instruction on song parts, harmony, as well as guidance on vocal technique and voice care. 

The group will have the opportunity to perform at local open mics and community events, should they choose.

No experience necessary — but an eagerness to learn a must. Attendance at all sessions is encouraged.

Spirit’s Call Choir

in Vancouver & North Vancouver, BC, Canada
directed by Jeremy Vallance and Sandi Melody CCLT 2014 | 778-788-9347

Spirit’s Call Choir is an inclusive, 50+ member non-audition community choir that sings to support personal, choral and global harmony. We sing from the heart for joy — a mixed repertoire from different languages, cultures and traditions, with uplifting themes, in glorious 4-part harmony. Those who love to sing and those who always thought they couldn’t are equally welcome. No singing experience necessary.  

Spirit’s Call Choir sings on TUESDAY evenings at Canyon Heights Church in North Vancouver and WEDNESDAY evenings at St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Vancouver (downtown in the Westend).  Singers are welcome to come to one rehearsal per week or both!  The choir has two singing seasons – September to January and February to June.

Spirit’s Call Choir performs 2 benefit concerts a year and has contributed over $10,000 to worthy local causes including The Syrian Refugee Project, Harvest Project and The Canadian Mental Health Association.  

Before moving to Vancouver in 2014, Jeremy co-directed Winnipeg’s 170 voice Spirit’s Call Choir with Margaret Tobin.  Over Jeremy’s 8 years as musical director he helped the choir to record 2 CD’s and contribute over $180,000 to worthy causes locally and globally.  In 2010 the choir received the Mayor’s Volunteer Service Award.  We are hoping to achieve the similar results in Vancouver so, the more the merrier!  Join our fundraising choir by contributing your voice to our community.  Together we can make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of so many others.

TC Sings!

in Traverse City, Michigan, USA
directed by Heather Kingham CCLT 2012 | 503-422-6515

Love to sing, even if it’s only in the shower? Come experience the joy of singing with others in a fun, relaxed, and accepting atmosphere. TC Sings! is an inclusive choir community, welcoming all voices and all people, singing songs from a variety of world cultures and traditions in three- and four-part harmony. Everything is taught orally; there is no need to read music, and no previous singing experience is required. Singing is our birthright; join us!

The Choral Conspiracy

in Vancouver, BC, Canada
directed by Patti Powell CCLT 2006-07 | 604-254-0891

Located in Kitsilano, we accept ALL voices. If you have a pulse, you’re in! No singing experience required. Even if you just sing in the shower.

We have singers of many levels of skill and experience, from nil to very much! We sing songs of many cultures, focussing on positive vibes, creating and supporting community relationships. Out of the Showers and Into the Streets!

More info and an FAQ link at:

The Common Ground Chorus

in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
directed by Craig Green CCLT 2006-07 | 434-361-0154

The Common Ground Chorus is a caravan of song. We sing towards a world that works for everyone. We propel ourselves with a wide array of freedom songs, rounds, and chants. Along the way we’ll stomp our feet and slap hands together in games of rhythm, call and response and improvisation. Thru it all we grow our abilities to sow harmony and courage in the world. The magic of communal song reminds us that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for! If you’ve never experienced the thrill of singing in a choir, or if you’ve always thought of yourself as someone who “just can’t sing”, this is a great way to start. There will be plenty of challenges and solo opportunities for experienced singers, too. The Common Ground Chorus will begin a four month season in January 2007 that will culminate in two public performances. Venue, day and time TBA. Contact Craig for further information.