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The Freedom Choir

in Annapolis, Maryland, USA
directed by Elizabeth Melvin CCLT 2010 | 410-271-5687

The Freedom Choir is a place to liberate your voice and revel in the age-old tradition of singing together with others. In a fun, stress-free environment we sing songs from around the corner and around the world. Directed by Elizabeth Melvin, we explore vocal music and harmonies from South Africa, Irish blessings, African-American gospel, new singer-songwriter music, classic pop songs and more. Although we rehearse in a church, we are a community choir that is non-affiliated with any religion or creed.

No audition or experience is necessary. Most songs are taught in the oral tradition, by rote, line by line in call and response fashion. Written lyrics and sheet music are occasionally provided, but you do not need to be able to read music. You will be thrilled at how quickly you will be singing with others in four-part harmony. All ages 13+ are welcome to take part in the joy of music making. Those under 13 are invited to join when accompanied by an adult.

The emphasis is not on public performance, but rather on creating community and having fun through shared song. However, there are several opportunities for small performances throughout the year, participation optional. We perform an annual concert in the Spring, with all proceeds going to local non-profit organizations.

The Golden Bridge Community Choir

in Los Angeles, California, USA
directed by Maggie Wheeler and Emile Hassan Dyer CCLT 2004 & 2007 |

The Golden Bridge Choir sings songs of spirit, struggle, liberation and celebration from around the globe. Maggie & Emile share a strong interest in African music as well as music from the African American tradition. They strive to create a safe, inspirational & joyful environment that allows for the participation of adults as well as children. Part of their vision incorporates providing a creative arts child care component that allows younger children to accompany their parents and be occupied in the space while the session is taking place. The children also participate in the singing as special material is included for them and worked on toward the end of each session.

Come raise your voices with us and experience the deep , healing power of singing in community.

Newcomers and beginners are welcome! No sight reading is necessary.

Sundays, 12:30 am–1:50 pm, at Wanderlust Hollywood, 1375 North Highland Avenue, Los Angles, Ca. 90028 $210 for a session of 14 Sundays.

The Living Room Choir

in Berkeley, California, USA
directed by Kaitie Ty Warren CCLT 2016 | 206-380-4886


A safe space for even the shyest singer to explore their relationship with their voice, The Living Room Choir holds space for all members to live, grow and sing together. In harmony, we break down barriers and form new bonds. “Singing is the one thing we can all do at once. We cannot all speak at once, but we can all sing at once.” ~ Zwai Bala

Everything is taught through call and response, no sight reading necessary. All ages and backgrounds are welcome. Please come scent-free. Sliding scale tuition/No one turned away for lack of funds. Meets most Thursdays, 7:45pm at Yoga Kula in Berkeley, with performances typically on weekends. New singers are always welcome!

See our website for schedule and more details; Contact Us to get on our mailing list and receive updates.
  1.  a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity.
  2.  I am because we are.

The One Voices

in Powell River, BC, Canada
directed by Julia Adam CCLT 2012 | 604-483-1143

  • Is based on the belief that together we can all sing well
  • Recognizes singing as a birthright
  • Is committed to building community through song and the joy of being together
  • Is non-auditioned and celebrates the contribution of ALL voices – inexperienced or otherwise!
  • Ensures a safe singing environment
  • Works to enhance singing in our daily lives
  • Focuses on songs about the human condition and cultural stories from around the globe
  • Operates largely in the oral tradition
  • Focuses on the process of singing. Although beautiful songs and harmonies emerge, the end product is not a key focus of this choir.

It’s simply a splendid bonus!

The Song Kitchen Choir

in Wakefield, Quebec, Canada
directed by Chris MacLean CCLT 2015 | 613-316-1396

The Song Kitchen Choir is a non-auditioned, acapella community choir open to singers of ALL ABILITIES. The songs are taught in the oral tradition and the ability to read sheet music is not required. Our repertoire includes Folk, Pop, Gospel, and World music songs from many cultural and spiritual secular traditions. We sing in round, in unison, and in shimmering harmony. The main agenda is to connect with others, build confidence in our voices, and to have FUN! The benefits of group singing include increased energy and alertness; and reduced stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, we are creating harmony that ripples out into the world!

Ubuntu Franklin and Ubuntu Dillsboro

in Franklin and Dillsboro, North Carolina, USA
directed by Tom Tyre CCLT 2010 | 828-524-9511

Ubuntu Franklin and Ubuntu Dillsboro meet in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and are open to anyone who has a desire to sing in harmony with others. We sing songs from around the world and songs from our own local traditions. No singing or musical experience is required. All the songs are taught aurally (by ear) using traditional singing styles.

Both groups meet in 10 week terms with breaks between terms. Public performance is not the goal of either group. Call Tom for more information and for references from current singers.

We Are The ONE Choir of Song and Poetry

in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
directed by Madi Sato McLaughlin and Timothy P. McLaughlin CCLT 2013 | 505-424-9765

The We Are The ONE Choir of Song and Poetry aspires to create a community united through the joyous, sublime practice of choral singing and speaking in beauty and harmony. The choir invites members of all ages and abilities into a deep dialogue with sound and silence, vocalizing and listening, movement and stillness, ritual and spontaneity. By embodying sacred songs and poems together, the We Are The ONE Choir actively cultivates balance within each member and with the human, natural, and spiritual worlds.

Wednesday Sing-In

in Victoria, BC, * Online
directed by Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson CCLT 2016 and 2017 | 250 857 9984 and 250 220 6117

Welcome friends, and friends of friends! This weekly event is led by Cathy Baker and Dick Jackson of the Gettin’ Higher Choir from our home in Victoria, BC, using Zoom. Singing is every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30pm Pacific Time! 

When the weather is good, and the day is long, we bring our singing to Barnard Park in Vic West, welcoming singers to join us there, or also on Zoom. To receive emails on Wednesdays with song lyrics, and to confirm if we’ll be out in the park, sign up at this link.

We want to nourish the connections within our singing community and beyond! Our hope is that our time together lifts your spirits and fills your heart with songs to carry you through the week.

We will mainly feature a wide variety of quick-teach songs, chants, rounds—some familiar, some brand-new, and the occasional ballad or popular song.

All are welcome to join in — donations to keep us going are welcome. We look forward to singing with you!

You Gotta Sing Chorus

in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
directed by Vanessa Lindsay-Botten CCLT 2011 | 902-818-7702

The “You Gotta Sing! Chorus” is an inclusive choir community, welcoming all voices and all people in Dartmouth, Halifax, and Tantallon, Nova Scotia. Together we celebrate the joy of singing in harmony and seek to create positive vibrations in the world. We sing uplifting songs from a variety of sources and traditions. Our weekly rehearsals are fun, relaxing, and energizing and we all learn together within a safe, supportive environment. YGS is a choir for men and women who are new to singing as well as those who’ve been singing their whole lives!

New members can join at any time, fees are prorated. Bursaries are available based on need.

Visitors are always welcome!

The Gift Of Song Is In All Of Us
Music That Makes A Difference